Grandmother's Torte

1 Cup Confectioner's Sugar, sifted
1 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Cup All-Purpose Flour, sifted
5 Flavors of Chivers Jam, 1/2 cup each

1 Cup Confectioner's Sugar, sifted
3 Tablespoons Milk
Preheat oven to 425F.
Whisk the egg yolks and half the confectioner's sugar together in a bowl until pale in color, thick and creamy.
Whisk the egg whites in a grease-free bowl until stiff; whisk in the remaining confectioner's sugar until glossy, then fold in the sugar.
Fold the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture, alternating carefully with teaspoonsful of the flour.
Line 3 baking sheets with parchment or waxed paper. Draw six 8 inch circles, lightly grease and dust each one with flour. Divide and spread the mixture evenly on the 6 circles and bake for 9 to 10 minutes. Cool slightly in the pan, peel one at a time off the paper and start layering.
Place one layer on a plate, spread with one flavor of jam, and continue layering with the other 4 flavors of jam. Top with the 6th layer but do not spread jam on the top. Mix the confectioner's sugar with the milk until smooth. Spread on the top layer, letting it drizzle down the sides.

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