Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland is the country's capital, as well as its largest city. It is the home of many attractions that bring tourists to Ireland annually. There are magnificent castles, beautiful buildings, art galleries and museums to explore; and the night life is a bit different than anywhere else in the world. Dublin boasts of many wonderful arenas and venues for sporting events and it is usually a stop on many world tours for recording artists throughout the world.
Even though Dublin is always buzzing with activities, there is also room for serenity. There are plenty of peaceful places in Dublin to visit and explore as well. Many of them are along beautiful rivers, lakes and, of course, the Irish Sea; while others are just open clearings filled with folklore from thousands of years of history. Dublin has many world class universities so there are always plenty of young people all around the area. Perhaps this accounts for much of the active night life.
Dublins climate is very comfortable, for the most part, so there are lots of people out and about on a daily basis. Some of them are busy exploring, while others are attempting to accomplish a definite purpose. If traveling to Dublin, you should bring clothing you can wear in layers, as it is a bit cooler in the early mornings and in the evenings after sunset.
The area of Dublin continues to grow both in population and in the number of new buildings. Many of them are now huge skyscrapers as they have to build upwards instead of outwards. They have to take advantage of the amount of room available. Some of the most well known beer breweries in the world are found in Dublin, such as Guinness. It is also filled with the hustle and bustle of people involved in various aspects of business, of which technological businesses have increased by leaps and bounds in the past ten years.
In order to keep up with the expansion of Dublin, there have been major developments in the areas of transportation. The roads are well kept for daily commuters and, to help cover the cost, there are stretches of toll roads. Mass transit has also increased by adding more bus and railway schedules for those who don't want to drive on their own.
Dublin is a lovely city, steeped in ancient history, but truly modern as well. It has everything that a modern city could offer but is unique in the fact that it is thousands of years old.

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