Springerle Cookies

1 lb Fine Granulated Sugar
2 Teaspoons Anise Extract
4 1/2 Cups Sifted Cake Flour
Beat eggs until thick. Add sugar gradually, beating well between each addition until all is combined and then beat for about fifteen minutes. This will make for a light finished cookie.
Add anise oil and blend. Fold in the flour lightly.
Roll out dough about one-half inch thick. Flour springerle mold or rolling pin (with each use) and press firmly into dough. Cut cookies along line of imprint.
Place on greased cookie sheet. Let stand overnight in a cool place to dry.
In the morning, place in a moderate oven (375F.) to set the shape but reduce immediately to a slow 300F. When done, in 12 to 15 minutes, cookies should be only lightly colored, with the appearance of being iced.
You can color details with a brush, if you like, using a bit of food color with water. Keep cookies in a tight can for 2-3 weeks before consumption to develop best taste. To soften, place a cut apple in the can two days before using.

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