Lost In Leitrim
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It was a beautiful, sunny day at the farm in Drumgrania. We had already turned in our rental car and we had no transportation so I decided to take a walk into Mohill. Terry didn't want to make the seven mile trek, so he stayed behind. He thought that I would get tired and be back before too long.
I headed down the road past Farnaught, and soon I came to the end of the road. I never noticed the road sign on the corner before, but it read "Cornegeeha", "Kiltivehy" and "Gortletteraugh". I knew where the latter one was located, but not the other two. I continued down that road, past the Catholic Church and adjoining graveyard. Just on the other side of the church, there was a very narrow unpaved road, which, I later learned, was a shortcut to the farm.
Soon I came to the back entrance to the Leitrim Estate and Lough Rynn. I pondered which way I should go, and decided to take the road through Rynn. I headed down the road, which, at the beginning, was all down hill. I hadn't become tired yet and kept walking at a pretty good pace.
Meanwhile, back at the farm, Terry was beginning to get very worried. He decided to go find me and was expecting to run into me walking back. So, he walked out to the end of the road, and I was nowhere in sight. He walked past the Catholic Church and adjoining grave yard, then past the narrow road, but still no Tyna. Just then, a local farmer came by on his tractor and Terry hitched a ride with him. He jumped on to the back of the tractor, and, standing up, held on to the bar above him. He rode that way for a few miles until the farmer had to make a turn off the main road. Terry got off, thanked the man for the lift, and continued on his way.
I was walking down the road right near the thick of the forest around the Leitrim Estate. I was imagining medieval horsemen, with their bows and arrows, riding through the forest, jumping over fallen logs, and hiding behind trees and boulders. Soon I came out of the wooded area and was now walking up hill near the fields and the long haired cattle. At this point in time, I was beginning to get tired.
Terry was walking and trying to hitch a ride, when, finally, a nice man from Mohill picked him up. He gave Terry a ride into town and dropped him off outside of Casey's Bar. He stopped in to ask Thomas if he had seen me, but he hadn't. Thomas suggested that he walk up the street to Kelly's Hotel to see if I was around. He asked Thomas that if he saw me, to tell me he would meet me at Kelly's.
By the time I had walked through Rynn, and had arrived at the road into Mohill, I was really feeling exhausted. I still had a little over a mile to go, so I kept plugging along, but at a much slower pace. I figured that if I stopped, I wouldn't be able to get going again. I made it!!
I walked past the grocery store across from Casey's Bar, then continued going up Main Street. Just then, Thomas was driving down the street to his bar. He asked me if I was okay and wanted to know where had I been. He told me that Terry was very worried about me, and he was waiting for me at Kelly's.
When I walked into Kelly's, Terry was never so glad to see someone! We sat down and had a pint of Guinness and some Irish bar food. While waiting for our chicken sandwiches, we told each other our stories. Poor Terry!! His arms ached from holding on to the tractor bar. He had a worse time than I did because he thought I was lost. He had taken the main road into town, so he wouldn't have seen me anyway. I was fine...I wasn't lost...just tired. Later in the evening, we went to see Thomas and he gave us a ride back to the farm. It was a very long day and we were both ready for bed.
Click here for the next story One Summer in Drumgrania.

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