Maple Candied Apples

1/2 Cup Light Corn Syrup
3 Tablespoons Pure Maple Syrup
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Cup Strained Orange Juice
1 Tablespoon Butter
6 Medium Apples
Wash and dry 6 medium apples. Remove the stem from each apple and press a craft stick into the top. Spray a baking sheet.Mix sugar, syrup, maple syrup, salt and orange juice in a heavy saucepan. Heat slowly until the sugar is dissolved, stirring frequently. Bring to a rapid boil, cook to 248F on a candy thermometer or to the firm ball stage when tested in cold water. Remove from the heat and stir in butter.
While still warm, dip and roll each apple into syrup, coating evenly. Roll in nuts or sprinkles if desired. Place on baking sheet. Cool completely.

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