Irish Relishes and Sauces

Having been around for years Heinz
Salad Cream is undoubtedly a timeless classic, earning its place as the perfect
unpretentious accompaniment to British & Irish salads.
Available in a squeezy bottle so you can conveniently squeeze your way to Salad
Cream heaven with Heinz. Any dinner table will feel naked without one.
A tasty way to liven up your salads, sandwiches, baked potatoes, in fact any of
your favorite hot and cold foods.
Famous chef Marco Pierre White once said: 'Salad Cream is one of the greatest
culinary inventions of the 20th century.'
Price: $8.29
Price: $8.29

Marmite is a concentrated yeast
extract paste, enjoyed at any time of the day, whether on toast for breakfast,
in sandwiches at lunchtime, or as an added ingredient in stews and casseroles.
MARMITE spread is 100% vegetarian, but unlike some vegetarian meals, MARMITE
provides an excellent source of vitamin B12. This vitamin helps to prevent
anaemia. It also contains a good source of Riboflavin and Niacin as well as
an excellent source of Folic Acid. MARMITE is good news for the nation's slimmers.
It contains virtually no fat or sugar. A single 4g serving amounts to only 10kcal
typical values. MARMITE has a distinctive savory taste, unlike anything else.
"25% of British people take Marmite with them when they go on holiday". Where
does the name "Marmite" come from? A marmite is a French stock pot or cooking
pot—like the one pictured on the front of the jar and shaped somewhat like the
jar itself. The name of the French pot is pronounced "mar-MEET." The product
name may have been derived from a famous French soup, petite marmite.
Price: $10.69
Price: $10.69

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